The emergence of tree blossoms in 2020 coincided with the start of the first lockdown and undoubtedly the sight of the re-awaking of this natural sight became a powerful symbol and brightened the spirits of many people.
After such a challenging year, it looks as though the awaking of the blossoms has yet again coincided with the changes that are much more welcome – the start of a roadmap towards a re-opening of the economy and a return to more normal patterns.
As ecology consultants and arboriculture specialists we always look forward to spring and the blossoming of trees. So, we thought it might be a bit of fun and brighten up our social media feed by asking the RammSanderson team and those we are partnering with on projects to send in photo’s of blossom with a challenge to our arboriculture specialists to guess the type of tree blossom!
Since the 1950’s over 50% of the UK’s woodland has disappeared. However, as ecologists we understand there needs to be a careful balance between the demand for housing and commercial developments and the need to protect wildlife and habitats. Part of being able to achieve this balance is the concept that biodiversity on developments can offset through projects that protect woodland and involved planting meadows and community orchards for communities to enjoy.
In launching this campaign we are piggybacking on a national initiative called #BlossomWatch that is being run by the National Trust to raise awareness and also encourage individuals to dedicate a tree and make donations that will boost woodlands. National Trust has an aim of planting 20 million trees by 2030.
Getting involved is easy – just post your images on LinkedIn and tag @RammSanderson Ecology Limited. Also, feel free to follow our LinkedIn company page too if you’d like to see further updates and read our advice articles.
At the end of April we will go through our social media feed and pick a picture that is both visually appealing and attracted the most comments and engagement. The winner will also get a small prize…TO BE DECIDED!
Good luck, and get snapping!