RammSanderson recently hosted their inaugural golf day on Friday 19th September 2019 at renowned East Midlands course, Horsley Lodge in Derbyshire and what is hoped will become an annual event.
The day was attended by over 40 of RammSanderson’s clients and contacts from within the property and construction industry, including Survey Hub, Hallam Land, Planning Hub, Bancroft Consulting, DLP Consulting, Pulse Consult, Avant Homes, Linden Homes, Bloor Homes, Waterman Group, Boyer Planning and Gleeds.
Competing in a Texas Scramble format, the winning team on the day was Team GRM represented by Bill Peacock and Geoff Beckett, who teamed up with Dave Whalley (Waterman) and Jonathan Hastings (Gleeds). The winners were each presented with a bottle of wine, American golf gift vouchers and a courtesy round of golf, kindly donated by Horsley Lodge.
Runners up on the day were Elliot Cook (Simple Marketing Consultancy), Chris Bancroft (Bancroft Consulting), Paul Burton and Jonny Collins (Hallam Land Management). They were also each presented with a bottle of wine, American golf vouchers and a round of golf at The Nottinghamshire Golf & Country Club.
Commenting on the day, Oliver Ramm, Director at RammSanderson said “We are really pleased that the RammSanderson golf was a huge success. It was not only a great opportunity to say thank you to the clients we currently work with, but also a great platform to explain our services to several prospective clients whom may previously not have been aware of our capability.”
Nick Sanderson went on to say “It’s been a fantastic day we’re already looking forward to doing it again, I might just have to have a few lessons before then to avoid the wooden spoon”.
Participants were also asked to make donations to Lincolnshire & Notts Air Ambulance Service which is RammSandersons’ chosen charity of the year. Fund raising for the charity continues and we will announce the total amount raised through all activities at the end of 2019-20 financial year in May 2020.