At a time when good news can be hard to come by, and sensitive to the ongoing issues caused by COVID-19 that are still affecting many businesses, we have just received some good news that has really lifted our spirits!
Prior to lockdown we submitted an entry to the Insider Magazine East Midlands Property Awards in the Client Adviser of the Year Category and we have just found out that we have been shortlisted!
Director Oliver Ramm said “This has been a major boost for our team and is testament to their hard work, expertise and the dedicated manner in which we work together to ensure our clients get the best service and advice. Regardless of the outcome on awards ceremony night, this, following other recent successes shows we’re continuing to go from strength to strength”.
The entry form required us to highlight the benefits we have delivered to clients on three projects and also asked us list any major achievements over the last year.
In our three featured projects we highlighted Centrix Park, a 39 acre mosaic site where we helped the developer mitigate a potential £1.2m compensation fee and how our recommendations helped to fast track proposals to achieve planning approval in just nine months when a typical timescale is 2-3 years.
We also featured our work at Horden Station, a £10m redevelopment of a railway station to create a park & ride facility. Our ecology advice and recommendations will help Network Rail avoid EU fines for non-compliance and our assessments and advice demonstrated that the development would not have a detrimental impact on the area as long as our recommendations were followed.
Finally we featured a smaller development for Wagtail Storage. By following our recommendations the planning approval process was speeded up which not only saved them money it also enabled them to become operational ahead of schedule.
We also described how as part of a strategy for achieving our five-year plan, RammSanderson has invested in its marketing programme by appointing Simple Marketing Consultancy as its outsourced marketing manager. We also included reference to our appointment onto highly regarded frameworks such as Severn Trent Water (STW) and Hafren Dyfrdwy (HD). and how our contract with Western Power Distribution was also extended.
Other notable local projects include the ecological assessments for the £100m proposal to redevelop The City Ground for Nottingham Forest and the £29.4m Nottingham Castle redevelopment project.
The entry also mentioned how we play a key role in helping land owners and farmers navigate new government policy that was adopted in February 2019 decreeing that that all future projects involving the development of land will need to deliver a measurable biodiversity net gain. Based on our innovative, pragmatic approach, RammSanderson has enabled our clients to obtain planning approval on significant developments across the Midlands. We have also given a series of CPD presentations on this topic to several key clients and are able to deliver this via video conference.
Finally we shouted out about the fact we had become the only UK Ecology company to obtain its 7th Great Crested Newt Low Impact Class Licence (LICL). Our licence holder is Director, Nick Sanderson, who is one of only 60 qualified ecologists in the UK to be accredited to issue LICL. These licences are only issued to ecologists who can be trusted to use their expert knowledge to balance the requirement for development against the protection of the environment.
If you would like to talk about your project with us, or to discuss CPD options please get in touch, we’d be happy to help.