Project Outline
As ecology and arboriculture specialists, RammSanderson was asked to collaborate with Urban Wilderness and Thread architects to provide a multi-disciplinary input into the proposals to build a new hospice on behalf of Mencap and Gateway in Sheffield.
The development and the proposed area dominated by a number of mature trees and an assessment was required to understand potential planning constraints.
RammSanderson Approach
Our ecological and arboricultural staff carried out a full survey of the site’s extensive mature tree cover. The ecology survey was carried out to Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) standards of a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal in order to categorize the quality of the existing tree cover and highlight the potential constraints to development.
In support of Mencap and Gateway’s aspirations to redevelop their building and surrounding landscape, the arboricultural tree assessment was conducted to the British Standard for Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction (BS5837:2012)
To allow for all habitats to be classified and the potential presence of protected species to be determined our reports were prepared in accordance with the British Standard for Biodiversity Code of Practice for Planning and Development (BS42020:2013).
The requirements of the client were the key focus in all stages of reporting, with tailored recommendations written in a clear, concise technical report. The data from the arboricultural survey was also used to provide a Tree Constraints Plan for use by the design team when identifying areas most favorable for development, along with opportunities to enhance the existing tree cover for the future.
As a result of the surveys carried out, the report we provided to the client gave our guidance on the most suitable times of year to carry out the proposed works and included recommendations for potential habitat enhancements.