RammSanderson were commissioned by the Darley Abbey Mills to complete a Flood Risk Assessment for the proposed re-development of the former Mill Managers House within the Mills World Heritage site to form hotel accommodation for the West Mill Wedding Venue (http://thewestmillvenue.com/). The Mill Managers House has a previous history of being residential accommodation to serve the principal mill buildings. Although it has been disused for a period, the applicant’s proposals restore the building to its original use.
Darley Abbey Mills lies entirely within Flood Zone 3 (1 in 100 or greater annual probability of flooding) and as such is considered to be at high risk of fluvial flooding. The site specific Flood Risk Assessment prepared for the proposal, assessed the vulnerability of the site and the anticipated depths of flooding during a variety of scenarios. In doing this a detailed review of the Derby City Council ‘Our City Our River’ proposals was completed.
Due to the level of risk anticipated, detailed recommendations for mitigation and advanced flood warning were prepared. A detailed Emergency Flood Response Plan was prepared which formed a ‘live document’ to be used by staff (specifically designated ‘Flood Wardens’) during flood events and detailed the various procedures required to ensure the safety of the hotel guests. Through various iterations and consultation received from the Environment Agency, Land Drainage team and Emergency Planners, the proposals were successfully given full planning approval.